Heimat Obstruction | RICCARDO ATTANASIO

Rivoli / Action. Paris 2012

Metro/ Strings. Berlin 2012

Canal Separation. Paris 2012.B With Francesca del Giudice

HEIMAT OBSTRUCTION has been performed in Moscow, Berlin, Paris, London and Milan so far. As part of bArt-Riotb project I wanted to take the space that has been denied to me by Bureaucracy.B My aim is to explore the boundaries of convention, how strong habits of everyday life are bound to us. We have rules that have become part of our genetic code, which has sculpted our perception making them almost too solid. Rules lead us to behave in a certain way. I work in the streets as a means of a personal appropriation of the city where I live. When I do a street action I often have to deal with police, irritated citizens, strange glances but at the same time I have plenty of satisfaction which comes from smiles, interest, willingness to understand what my action is about and why I am doing it and interesting conversations with people I meet. When I perform in the street I like to be focused but I never ignore the people around me, because they are part of it. My aim in art is to be able to open people's perception and at the same time my own. A painting, a performance in the theatre or in the street has the aim of connecting us as human beings.

RICCARDO ATTANASIO MATLAKAS: Since 2010 I am focusing on different street happenings, I am exploring the boundaries of normality, how strong habits of everyday life are bounded to us. We have rules that became part of our genetic code. Rules lead us to behave in a certain way. I work in the streets a personal re-appropriation of the city where I live. When I do a street action I often have to deal with police, irritated citizens, strange glances but at the same time I have plenty of satisfaction which comes from smiles, interest, will to understand what is my action about and why I am doing that. Interesting conversations with people who I meet. When I perform in the street I like to be focus but never ignoring the people around me, They are part of it. My aim in art is to be able to open people's perception. When is a painting, a performance in the theatre or in the street it has the aim of connecting us as human beings.B I am lately focusing more and more in involving the audience in the creative process making them my collaborators. I started with interviewing people in the street tranforming them into the main focus of my art work. My aim is to bring art in their lives uniting my artistic research within my life and those who surround me, known and unknown.